Hidden Blessings



Quick announcement…Be on the lookout for my guest bloggers every Sunday in Advent.  I am so blessed to have them participating and to have some new points of view for you to consider!  And now, on with the show…

The theme all across the internet this month has been Thankfulness, I have seen many of my facebook friends doing the daily “I am thankful for” posts.  I noticed, however, that there was a striking similarity in each persons daily post, what they were thankful for always seemed to be the positive things in their lives.  I never saw anyone thankful for something that would be considered a trial of life or cross to bear.  

For those of you who are familiar with my preaching and teaching you will know that I am big on thankfulness.  I thank God for every blatant blessing and every blessing in disguise.  For today’s challenge I would like you to make a list of 10 things that you would consider to have been “bad” and write a sentence or two as to why you should be thankful for that situation.  For example; say you went through a divorce, that probably seemed like a terrible situation, one that you could not find the blessing in.  But as time passed and you began to find healing you realized that God had been with you through it all and that this “bad” thing turned out to prove what an incredibly strong person Christ has made you! Of course, I would like you to be more specific but you get my drift.

Here’s one from my list….

My parents separated when I was a child.  Although I didn’t know it until recently this situation taught me that the only way to have a strong marriage is for God to be at the very heart of it.  Marriage isn’t a disposable thing, it’s forever and it’s a covenant with God.

So, take a moment today to take a second look at some of those hard times and find the blessings in them!




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